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标题: Zabbix调用Python3脚本监控Linux下的MariaDB [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2020-7-16 17:03     标题: Zabbix调用Python3脚本监控Linux下的MariaDB

笺注:这是在 CentOS8编译安装Zabbix4.4.5 的基础上进行的,监控本机的MariaDB 配置本机的MariaDB数据库:( 使用数据库管理员root@localhost ) [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"root" Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 136 Server version: 10.3.17-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]> 注释: 此时,数据库管理员root@localhost没有设置密码; -h"localhost" 是可以省略的; 查看当前登录的数据库用户: MariaDB [(none)]> Select user(); +----------------+ | user() | +----------------+ | root@localhost | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> 显示所有的库: MariaDB [(none)]> Show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | db1 | | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | zabbix | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> 注释:库mysql是默认就有的。 再授权数据库用户zbx_monitor@localhost(密码886),只能本地登录,对库mysql、库zabbix有完全控制的权限: MariaDB [(none)]> Create user zbx_monitor@localhost identified by '886'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> Grant all on mysql.* to zbx_monitor@localhost; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> Grant all on zabbix.* to zbx_monitor@localhost; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> Flush privileges; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> 查看本地数据库用户zbx_monitor@localhost的权限: MariaDB [(none)]> Show grants for zbx_monitor@localhost; +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for zbx_monitor@localhost | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*F961C54AFEB4D281CE53D7CB8E7822890D86FFFC' | | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `mysql`.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'localhost' | | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `zabbix`.* TO 'zbx_monitor'@'localhost' | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.000 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> ###### 使用本地数据库用户zbx_monitor@localhost,在命令行中直接输出MariaDB的版本信息: [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -h"localhost" -p"886" -V mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.17-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1 [root@centos8 ~]# 注释: -h"localhost" 是可以省略的; 由于权限问题,有些库是本地数据库用户zbx_monitor@localhost看不到的: [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "Show databases;" +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | zabbix | +--------------------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看MariaDB的最大连接数: [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "Show variables like '%max_connections%';" +-----------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-------+ | extra_max_connections | 1 | | max_connections | 151 | +-----------------------+-------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看MariaDB当前打开的连接数: [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "Show status like 'threads_connected';" +-------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------+-------+ | Threads_connected | 27 | +-------------------+-------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看MariaDB当前处于激活状态的连接数: [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "Show status like 'threads_running';" +-----------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------+-------+ | Threads_running | 1 | +-----------------+-------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看库zabbix里的表users的行数: [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "select count(*) from zabbix.users;" +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 2 | +----------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看单个库(msyql)的大小:(以字节为单位) [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "select concat(sum(DATA_LENGTH)) as data from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'mysql';" +--------+ | data | +--------+ | 857525 | +--------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看单个库(zabbix)的大小:(以字节为单位) [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "select concat(sum(DATA_LENGTH)) as data from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'zabbix';" +---------+ | data | +---------+ | 9879552 | +---------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看单个库(zabbix)的大小:(以MB为单位) [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'zabbix';" +--------+ | data | +--------+ | 9.42MB | +--------+ [root@centos8 ~]# 查看单个库(zabbix)的大小:(以GB为单位) [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "select concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024/1024),2),'GB') as data from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'zabbix';" +--------+ | data | +--------+ | 0.01GB | +--------+ [root@centos8 ~]# ############ 在Zabbix本机安装第三方库(PyMySQL),可参考:Python3脚本管理Linux下的MySQL 查看PyMySQL的版本: [root@centos8 ~]# pip3 freeze PyMySQL==0.10.1 [root@centos8 ~]# 注释:PyMySQL可以管理MySQL,也可以管理MariaDB ###### 在Zabbix本机创建Python3脚本:(输出MariaDB的最大连接数) [root@centos8 ~]# cat /usr/local/ #coding=utf-8 import pymysql def db_connect(): #打开数据库连接;本地连接(localhost)、用户名、密码、其中一个库(zabbix)的名称、端口号、字符集: db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "zbx_monitor", "886", "zabbix",3306,charset="utf8") cursor = db.cursor() SQL_1 = "show variables like '%max_connections%';" #SQL语句 cursor.execute(SQL_1) #执行SQL语句 Result_1 = cursor.fetchall() #使用fetchall可以获取多个元素 #print(Result_1) # (('extra_max_connections', '1'), ('max_connections', '151')) #print(type(Result_1)) # #print(Result_1[1]) # ('max_connections', '151') #print(type(Result_1[1])) # #print(Result_1[1][1]) # 151 #print(type(Result_1[1][1])) # Key_1 = int(Result_1[1][1]) print(Key_1) #print(type(Key_1)) # db.close() def main(): try: db_connect() except Exception as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 设置脚本权限: [root@centos8 ~]# chmod a+x /usr/local/ [root@centos8 ~]# 脚本运行的结果: [root@centos8 ~]# python3 /usr/local/ 151 [root@centos8 ~]# ###### 在Zabbix本机创建Python3脚本:(输出MariaDB当前打开的连接数) [root@centos8 ~]# cat /usr/local/ #coding=utf-8 import pymysql def db_connect(): db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "zbx_monitor", "886", "zabbix",3306,charset="utf8") cursor = db.cursor() SQL_1 = "Show status like 'threads_connected';" #SQL语句 cursor.execute(SQL_1) #执行SQL语句 Result_1 = cursor.fetchone() #使用fetchone只能获取一个元素 #print(Result_1) # ('Threads_connected', '27') #print(type(Result_1)) # #print(Result_1[1]) # 27 #print(type(Result_1[1])) # Key_1 = int(Result_1[1]) print(Key_1) #print(type(Key_1)) # db.close() def main(): try: db_connect() except Exception as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 设置脚本权限: [root@centos8 ~]# chmod a+x /usr/local/ [root@centos8 ~]# 脚本运行的结果: [root@centos8 ~]# python3 /usr/local/ 27 [root@centos8 ~]# ###### 在Zabbix本机创建Python3脚本:(输出库zabbix里的表users的行数) [root@centos8 ~]# cat /usr/local/ #coding=utf-8 import pymysql def db_connect(): db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "zbx_monitor", "886", "zabbix",3306,charset="utf8") cursor = db.cursor() SQL_1 = "select count(*) from users;" #SQL语句 cursor.execute(SQL_1) #执行SQL语句 Result_1 = cursor.fetchone() #print(Result_1) # (2,) #print(type(Result_1)) # print(Result_1[0]) #print(type(Result_1[0])) # db.close() def main(): try: db_connect() except Exception as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 设置脚本权限: [root@centos8 ~]# chmod a+x /usr/local/ [root@centos8 ~]# 脚本运行的结果: [root@centos8 ~]# python3 /usr/local/ 2 [root@centos8 ~]# ###### 在Zabbix本机创建Python3脚本:(输出单个库(mysql)的大小,以字节为单位) [root@centos8 ~]# cat /usr/local/ #coding=utf-8 import pymysql def db_connect(): db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "zbx_monitor", "886", "mysql",3306,charset="utf8") cursor = db.cursor() SQL_1 = "select concat(sum(DATA_LENGTH)) as data from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'mysql';" #SQL语句 cursor.execute(SQL_1) #执行SQL语句 Result_1 = cursor.fetchone() #print(Result_1) # (b'857525',) #print(type(Result_1)) # #print(Result_1[0]) # b'857525' #print(type(Result_1[0])) # Key_1 = int(Result_1[0]) print(Key_1) #print(type(Key_1)) # db.close() def main(): try: db_connect() except Exception as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 设置脚本权限: [root@centos8 ~]# chmod a+x /usr/local/ [root@centos8 ~]# 脚本运行的结果: [root@centos8 ~]# python3 /usr/local/ 857525 [root@centos8 ~]# ###### 在Zabbix本机创建Python3脚本:(输出单个库(zabbix)的大小,以字节为单位) [root@centos8 ~]# cat /usr/local/ #coding=utf-8 import pymysql def db_connect(): db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "zbx_monitor", "886", "mysql",3306,charset="utf8") # 这里也可以使用库"zabbix" cursor = db.cursor() SQL_1 = "select concat(sum(DATA_LENGTH)) as data from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'zabbix';" #SQL语句 cursor.execute(SQL_1) #执行SQL语句 Result_1 = cursor.fetchone() #print(Result_1) # (b'9879552',) #print(type(Result_1)) # #print(Result_1[0]) # b'9879552' #print(type(Result_1[0])) # Key_1 = int(Result_1[0]) print(Key_1) #print(type(Key_1)) # db.close() def main(): try: db_connect() except Exception as e: print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": main() 设置脚本权限: [root@centos8 ~]# chmod a+x /usr/local/ [root@centos8 ~]# 脚本运行的结果: [root@centos8 ~]# python3 /usr/local/ 9879552 [root@centos8 ~]# ############# ############# 修改Zabbix服务器的Agent配置文件: [root@centos8 ~]# vi /usr/local/zabbix/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf # UnsafeUserParameters=0 修改为:(启用该功能) UnsafeUserParameters=1 插入: UserParameter=command_1,/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/ UserParameter=command_2,/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/ UserParameter=command_3,/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/ UserParameter=command_4,/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/ 如下图: 图片1.png 保存好配置文件后,重启一下Zabbix本机的客户端和服务端: pkill -9 -U zabbix /usr/local/zabbix/sbin/zabbix_agentd /usr/local/zabbix/sbin/zabbix_server ###### 在Zabbix服务器测试,验证能否获取本机(的键值: [root@centos8 ~]# /usr/local/zabbix/bin/zabbix_get -s -k command_1 151 [root@centos8 ~]# [root@centos8 ~]# /usr/local/zabbix/bin/zabbix_get -s -k command_2 27 [root@centos8 ~]# [root@centos8 ~]# /usr/local/zabbix/bin/zabbix_get -s -k command_3 2 [root@centos8 ~]# [root@centos8 ~]# /usr/local/zabbix/bin/zabbix_get -s -k command_4 9879552 [root@centos8 ~]# ##################Zabbix添加被监控主机: 配置》主机》创建主机:(主机名称无需与被监控主机的真实主机名一致;群组可以随便选) 图片2.png 注释: 使用agent代理程序的接口。 IP地址: (同一台主机可以被重复添加,只要主机名称不一样即可) 使用 TCP 10050 端口。 主机Zabbix_server_MariaDB中,给“MariaDB的最大连接数”创建监控项: 自定义名称: MariaDB command_1 键值: command_1 信息类型: 浮点数 单位: !个 图片3.png 备注:其他地方保持默认,点击底下的“添加”按键。 主机Zabbix_server_MariaDB中,给“MariaDB当前打开的连接数”创建监控项: 自定义名称: MariaDB command_2 键值: command_2 信息类型: 浮点数 单位: !个 图片4.png 备注:其他地方保持默认,点击底下的“添加”按键。 主机Zabbix_server_MariaDB中,给“库zabbix里的表users的行数”创建监控项: 自定义名称: MariaDB command_3 键值: command_3 信息类型: 浮点数 单位: !行 图片5.png 备注:其他地方保持默认,点击底下的“添加”按键。 主机Zabbix_server_MariaDB中,给“单个库(zabbix)的大小”创建监控项: 自定义名称: MariaDB command_4 键值: command_4 信息类型: 浮点数 单位: Bytes 图片6.png 备注: 使用单位“Bytes”时,结果在单位换算时会每超过1000就除以1000,保留两位小数,是四舍五入; ###### 给监控项“MariaDB command_1”创建图形: 图片7.png 监控项: 图片8.png 给监控项“MariaDB command_2”创建图形: 图片9.png 监控项: 图片10.png 给监控项“MariaDB command_3”创建图形: 图片11.png 监控项: 图片12.png 给监控项“MariaDB command_4”创建图形: 图片13.png 监控项: 图片14.png ###### 查看图形: 监测》图形: 图片15.png 图片16.png 图片17.png 图片18.png 图片19.png 图片20.png 图片21.png 图片22.png 图片23.png 图片24.png 图片25.png 图片26.png ############ ############ 修改Zabbix本机的MariaDB的最大连接数:( 没有代码就插入,要在[mysqld]下面 ) [root@centos8 ~]# vi /etc/my.cnf [mysqld] max_connections = 151 改为 max_connections = 1500 保存好配置文件后,重启MariaDB服务: [root@centos8 ~]# systemctl restart mysql [root@centos8 ~]# 再次,在Zabbix本机查看MariaDB的最大连接数: [root@centos8 ~]# mysql -u"zbx_monitor" -p"886" -e "Show variables like '%max_connections%';" +-----------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-------+ | extra_max_connections | 1 | | max_connections | 1500 | +-----------------------+-------+ [root@centos8 ~]# [root@centos8 ~]# python3 /usr/local/ 1500 [root@centos8 ~]# [root@centos8 ~]# /usr/local/zabbix/bin/zabbix_get -s -k command_1 1500 [root@centos8 ~]# 再次,查看图形“MariaDB command_1 image”: 图片27.png 图片28.png 注释:图形中的数据线是从右往左延伸的。 图片29.png 相关文章: MariaDB的最大连接数/最大可打开表数/最大可打开文件数 Zabbix使用模板监控Linux下的MariaDB Zabbix调用Python3脚本监控Linux下的MySQL

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